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About Us

Unified Network for Money (UNMoney) is a closed Yemeni shareholder, a company specializing in the provision of financial transfer and digital payments services. The idea of its establishment began at the end of 2020 and was developed through the adoption by the Central Bank of Yemen of Resolution No. 18 of 2020 concerning the suspension of existing remittance networks and the establishment of a unified financial transfer network, in the context of the efforts of the Central Bank of Yemen to reduce the disruption of the banking system in Yemen by consolidating the activities of multiple remittance networks into a single channel operating under its direct supervision and contributing to the reduction of illicit financial transfers (financing of terrorism and money-laundering operations).

The company's role is to serve as a means of strengthening the CBY's supervisory role over the banking system and remittance activity, which is one of the most prominent channels that are exploited in terrorist financing and money laundering operations. By providing a comprehensive electronic database on remittance transactions. This ensures disclosure of remittance activity, sources of funds, and beneficiaries. Which was previously done manually, allowing for manipulation and providing inaccurate data about them. This allows the Central Bank to apply the necessary laws and procedures in this regard. The company's presence will also enhance the Central Bank's ability to implement a monetary policy that can stabilize the value of the local currency against foreign currencies. As part of the company's strategic vision, the company aspires to provide digital payments services as a second phase, which contributes to reducing the need for cash liquidity and achieving financial inclusion.


Be the leading national pillar in the field of remittances and digital payments.


Create and develop an integrated and resilient infrastructure for remittances and digital payments that offers services at a high level of trust and security, achieving interoperability and accessibility.