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The General Assembly Holds Its Meeting In The Capital, Aden

This morning, Sunday, August 18, 2024, the Ordinary General Assembly of the Unified Network for Money Company (UNMoney) met, with the attendance of representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the :Central Bank of Yemen. The company's financial statements for the founding phase were approved, a legal auditor was selected for the company's accounts, and a board of directors was elected consisting of
1- Abdullah Muhammad Awad Al-Bassiri as Chairman

Announcing the founding meeting of the Unified Network for Money

oday, in the capital, Aden, the founding meeting of the founders of (Unified Network for Funds Company), a closed Yemeni joint stock company (S.A.I.), was announced and the members of the first board of directors were elected, with the participation of “47” exchange companies licensed to operate in Yemen, under the supervision of the Central Bank of Yemen.

At the ceremony, the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Shakib Al-Hubaishi, affirmed the bank’s keenness on th.........

Prelude to its announcement.. Announcing the founding meeting of the Consolidated Network for Funds Company

Today, in Aden, it was announced the announcement of the founding meeting of the Unified Network for Funds Company as a closed Yemeni shareholding company comprising 47 founders of the owners of exchange companies licensed to work in Yemen

The announcement was made, under the supervision of the Central Bank, and in the presence of a representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

 This comes within the framework of the efforts of the Central Bank of Yemen and its pro.........

Under the supervision of the Governor of the Central Bank, the Unified Network for Funds Company inaugurated the signing of an agreement to purchase and supply the remittance system

This morning, Monday, March 28, 2022 AD, an agreement was signed in Aden for the purchase and supply of the money transfer system, between the Unified Network for Funds Company represented by the Chairman of the Board Sheikh Abdullah Muhammad Al-Basiri and the Edrut Technology Company represented by the Executive Director Mr. Waqas Mirza.

The signing of this agreement comes within the framework of completing the establishment stages of the Unified Network Company and launching its wor.........

The Unified Network of Money is preparing to launch its financial services in the Yemeni market - Aden

The Unified Network for Money (UNMoney) Company (a closed Yemeni joint stock company - under establishment) is preparing to launch its business at the beginning of next year, in the field of providing remittance services and electronic payments. The idea of ​​its establishment began at the end of the year 2020 AD and crystallized through the adoption by the Central Bank of Yemen of Resolution No. (18) for the year 2020, related to stopping the work of the existing remittance networks and esta.........